This module support below funtion.
funtion list
- Control Turtle Bot by voice, Support language is English and Korean
- Control Turtle Bot by Joy Stick.
- Display Turtle Bot Camera View, You can modify Topic name of camera view to fit your turtlebot at application UI.
Support Datatype is sensor_msgs.CompressedImage. Default topic name is "/camera1/image_raw/compressed"
JoystickOnlyView Class does not contain ros related functions.
JoystickOnlyView Class only contain Android JoyStick UI.
publish topic list
1. Topic name is "/cmd_vel". Datatype is geometry_msgs.Twist.
2. Topic name is "~recognizer/output". Datatype is std_msgs.String.
subscribe topic list
1. Topic name is "odom". Datatype is nav_msgs.Odometry.
2. Topic name is "/camera1/image_raw/compressed". Datatype is sensor_msgs.CompressedImage.
This module support below funtion.
funtion list
- Control Turtle Bot by voice, Support language is English and Korean
- Control Turtle Bot by Joy Stick.
- Display Turtle Bot Camera View, You can modify Topic name of camera view to fit your turtlebot at application UI.
Support Datatype is sensor_msgs.CompressedImage. Default topic name is "/ camera1 / image_raw / compressed"
JoystickOnlyView Class does not contain ros related functions.
JoystickOnlyView Class only contain Android JoyStick UI.
publish topic list
1. Topic name is "/ cmd_vel". Datatype is geometry_msgs.Twist.
2. Topic name is "~ recognizer / output". Datatype is std_msgs.String.
subscribe topic list
1. Topic name is "odom". Datatype is nav_msgs.Odometry.
2. Topic name is "/ camera1 / image_raw / compressed". Datatype is sensor_msgs.CompressedImage.